Ping White Dot vs Black Dot

The Ping Dot Color system is used to help players quickly determine if a club fits their measurements or not. Certain colors are made for certain wrist to floor ratios, so once you know what your optimal color is, it is easy to see which clubs are best fit for you.

Ping Dot ColorDegree Upright/FlatAverage Wrist To FloorAverage Height
White3 degrees upright36.2 – 37.2 inches5′ 7″ – 6′ 0″
Black0 degree upright/flat33.2 – 34.2 inches5′ 7″ – 6′ 0″

Lie Angle: Ping White Dot vs Black Dot

One of the first differences between the white dot and black dot is the lie angle. The white dot is 3° upright and the black thought is neither upright nor flat. Generally speaking, the more degrees upright that a club is, the better it is for people with long wrist to floor ratio. 

People with a long wrist to floor ratio tend to hold the club at a flatter angle than normal. So, they need an upright angle to negate the impact that their stance will give them. So the red dot is better for people who have longer wrist to floor ratio.

The black dot is better for people who do not hold the club at either a flat or upright angle. If you naturally hold the club in the correct position, then the black dot will be better for you.

Wrist To Floor Ratio: Ping White Dot vs Black Dot

As mentioned above, the wrist to floor ratio plays a pretty big role in the difference between these dot colors. In terms of optimal ratio, the white dot is best for those who have a ratio ranging from 36.2 inches to 37.2 inches. The black dot is better for those who have a ratio that ranges from 33.2 inches to 34.2 inches.

Once you take your measurement, you should get a pretty good understanding as to which one of these is better suited for your stature.

Average Height: Ping White Dot vs Black Dot

The average height associated with each one of these dot colors is pretty standard. How much already a golf or is fall within this range of height, which is why it is most applicable to a majority of golfers. The ideal height range for both of these colors ranges between 5‘7“ and 6’.

If you don’t fall within this range, these are still likely applicable colors, however you may need to double check the chart to make sure that you are not an edge case for these measurements.

USGA Legal: Ping White Dot vs Black Dot

It’s important to know whether or not these clubs are legal in the eyes of the USGA. There are plenty of strict rules that each club must adhere to. If a club breaks one of these rules, then it is considered illegal. According to the USGA none of the white nor black are illegal. So you can use them in any type of golf game.


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