Pro Golfers With Back Problems

Despite golf being safer than contact sports, pro golfers can still suffer from injuries and health problems. Given how your body bends when you hit a golf ball, it’s no surprise that many golfers have experienced back problems. 

Pro golfers with back problems include Tiger Woods, who has dealt with issues since 2010. Other golfers who struggle with back problems include Jason Day, Lee Trevino, and Fred Couples. 

Let’s talk more about these golfers, the back problems they have had over their careers, and whether these have made a difference in their ability to play (if at all). 

1. Tiger Woods

Who hasn’t heard of Tiger Woods? Even if you only have a passing knowledge of golf, you likely know him as the legend who cemented his legacy as a five-time Masters winner. If you’re a golf fan, you know about his back problems. 

For Tiger, this started in 2010 when he experienced tingling while playing. His doctors suspected a herniated disc, but Tiger wouldn’t undergo treatment until 2014. 

In 2014, Tiger had surgery to treat a herniated disc. At this point, Tiger was consistently in  severe pain and only found relief after his surgery. Despite a successful removal of the problem disc, Tiger still struggles with back issues to this day, as his recovery has been an up-and-down process. 

Whatever happens next, everyone knows that Tiger’s legacy speaks for itself. However, his struggles with back pain show just how hard the game of golf can be on your body. 

2. Jason Day

Jason Day is one of the most respected names in golf. After his 2015 PGA championship win, he was on top of the world. Unfortunately, the following year, Day would miss most of the season with a strained ligament in his lower back. He made it clear during the 2020 season that he was still struggling with back problems. 

3. Lee Trevino

Despite his retirement in 1985, Lee Trevino is still one of the top names in golf. If you know about Trevino’s career, you know his struggle with back problems. Since his retirement, Trevino has spoken openly about these issues, warning other golfers of the dangers. 

Having had a pinched nerve and a herniated disc, much like Tiger would later develop, Trevino knows a thing or two about back problems. At one point, Trevino was bedridden for three months before he recovered enough to walk freely again. 

4. Fred Couples

Another major name in golf who has been very vocal about his back problems is Fred Couples. In 2018, Couples spoke candidly about his back pain leading up to Augusta. He talked about feeling pain in his back when standing up after a putt. During this time, he began seeing a new doctor and trying new treatments. 

As of this writing, Couples is still going strong. His career accomplishments speak for themselves, but his drive to play golf won’t stop until his back no longer allows it. Like many other golfers who struggle with back pain, Couples has spent quite a few tournaments trying to push through the pain.


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