What Does Ball in Hand Mean in Golf?

Golf is full of many terms that can be confusing, including Ball-in-Hand. If you’ve ever heard someone say this phrase (or pick up the ball on the course), you’ve probably wondered what it means and why it’s allowed.

Ball-in-hand in golf means that a golfer can pick up the ball if it’s in an unplayable area or if there’s an obstruction in the way. It can only be used if the golfer can’t hit the ball back onto the fairway or the green. Not all golf tournaments and courses allow this rule, though.

In this article, you’ll learn about the ball-in-hand rule, when it’s used, and whether or not you’ll be penalized for using it. Let’s get started! 

When Can You Use ‘Ball-in-Hand’ in Golf?

You can use the ball-in-hand rule whenever the ball can’t be hit properly, such as when it’s behind a building or when it goes in the water. The regulations vary on how this rule applies, so you should ask if there are penalties for doing it.

The Annika Academy explains that a golf ball with an unfavorable lie sometimes lets you use the ball-in-hand rule. It can also be used if it puts you in a dangerous position that could cause danger to you or surrounding people. The ball should go to the closest safe place possible, ensuring it doesn’t improve the golfer’s positioning toward the green.

Are There Penalties for Using Ball-in-Hand?

There are penalties for using ball-in-hand if you do it incorrectly. For example, you can’t pick up the ball without telling officials and players that you’re about to do it. Furthermore, some courses apply an automatic penalty, even if ball-in-hand is allowed.

Here’s what you should know before using ball-in-hand:

  • MSGA reports that you almost always get a penalty for rotating, lifting, or moving your golf ball without marking its spot.
  • Not all courses allow the ball-in-hand rule, so you should check before doing so.
  • You can’t determine if the ball-in-hand rule should be used without contacting other players and officials.

Can You Pick Up Your Ball in the Fairway?

You can pick up your ball in the fairway if you mark the spot where it was. However, you can only do so if you’re cleaning the ball or if you’re employing the ball-in-hand rule on courses that allow it. Failure to mark your position or report why you’re lifting the ball can result in a turn loss.

According to the USGA, players must put the original ball in the same position it was when it was lifted. Golfers aren’t allowed to rotate the ball, move it to another location, or switch it with another ball (unless the lifted ball is damaged).

Final Thoughts

While the ball-in-hand rule is rarely used, it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the terms, penalties, and rules of all golf courses. You should always check if you’re allowed to employ this rule before doing so; otherwise, you might get a penalty.


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