Accra TZ5 vs. TZ6

With so many great-quality shafts on the market, it can be difficult to pick just one. Luckily, Accra has come out with an exceptional line of moderately-priced, excellent-quality shafts that can help improve your performance. However, to get the most out of your purchase, you’ll first have to find out which variation would best suit your playing style and skill set, so let’s take a closer look at two of the brand’s most popular shafts: TZ5 and TZ6.

Accra TZ5 and Accra TZ6 are both golf shafts manufactured by the same brand. However, as their differently-numbered names imply, they boast different flex levels and are therefore better suited to different handicap levels — the TZ5 is stiffer, while the TZ6 is more flexible.

Read on below as I take you through a comprehensive comparison between these models’ specs, as well as their individual advantages and drawbacks.

Accra TZ5 vs. TZ6: Comparison Table

Here’s how Accra’s TZ5 and TZ6 models compare in terms of price, handicap range, flex level, bend point, torque, and weight.

Accra TZ5Accra TZ6
Best Suited ToLow HandicappersMid-Low Handicappers
Flex LevelStiffRegular
Bend PointMid – HighMid – High
Weight75 grams (2.6 oz)75 grams (2.6 oz)

As you can see, these two shafts are more similar than you’d think, sharing similar torques, bend points, and even weights. However, one key difference between them is their flex, which leads to a plethora of other differences in handicap ranges and overall performance. 

Therefore, I’d say that considering your handicap level and preferences in regard to shaft stiffness is the best way to differentiate between the two and make a well-informed decision.

Accra TZ5

This modern, sleek shaft boasts a wide array of advantages apart from its appealing looks. However, to truly decide whether it’s worth your investment, you’ll have to consider both its selling points and drawbacks. Here are some of them:


  • Ideal for golfers with fast swing speeds
  • Offers remarkable control
  • Extremely durable
  • Long-lasting
  • Made with state-of-the-art technology
  • Low torque


  • Not the best choice for high-handicappers
  • Not the best choice for those who prefer a softer feel

Accra TZ6

Now, let’s dive into the advantages and drawbacks of the Accra TZ6 shaft:


  • Extremely soft
  • High-performance
  • Made with state-of-the-art technology
  • Low torque
  • Great for players with medium-high swing speeds
  • Durable and long-lasting


  • Still not the best choice for higher handicappers
  • Doesn’t offer the same level of control as its counterpart
  • Slightly pricier than its counterpart


The bottom line is that whichever shaft you choose you’re guaranteed to get excellent performance, as both models boast premium-quality materials and Accra’s Tri-Zonal design. 

However, their differing flex levels can heavily impact your experience with each of them. Therefore, consider your handicap level, desired ball flight, feel preferences, and swing speed before making a decision. Hopefully, the information outlined above can help you choose the option that best optimizes spin rate, launch angle, and ball speed.


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