KBS Tour V vs. C Taper

Your shaft choice can make or break your performance, which is why so many brands have come out with a wide array of lines designed to cater to golfers of all preferences and experience levels. KBS, for example, specifically specializes in shafts, and the Tour V and C Taper releases are two of its most popular. However, is one inherently better than the other?

KBS Tour V and C Taper are both shafts manufactured by the same brand; however, even though they share a similar profile, there are still some functional differences between them. The former is softer and more forgiving, while the latter is firmer and offers better control.

If you’re in the market for a new set of shafts, choosing either of these KBS models is bound to serve you well—they’re both high-quality game-improving models. However, in order to get the very most out of your choice, you’ll want to read on as I explore their differences, advantages, and drawbacks.

KBS Tour V vs. C Taper: Comparison Table

Here’s how KBS Tour V and C Taper compare in terms of price point, feel, launch angle, forgiveness, control, distance, and durability.

KBS Tour VKBS C Taper
Price PointHighModerate
Launch AngleModerateLow

Now that you’ve gotten a better idea of where these two models stand against one another, let’s dive into their individual pros and cons.

KBS Tour V

The KBS Tour V is one of the brand’s best-selling products designed for golfers who want a reliable, high-performing, mid-trajectory shaft they can return to time and time again. If you’re interested in getting one for yourself, here are the pros and cons you’ll want to consider:


  • Excellent soft feel
  • Impressive distance
  • Very forgiving
  • Suitable to a wide range of handicap levels
  • Remarkably accurate


  • Pricey
  • Not the best choice for low-handicappers

C Taper

C Taper is also one of KBS’ best-received shafts, boasting a level of control and accuracy that pros gravitate toward. With that said, if you’re thinking about investing your hard-earned money into one of these shafts, take a moment to consider the below advantages and drawbacks:


  • Remarkable control
  • Excellent for low handicappers
  • Good distance
  • Extremely durable


  • Not the best feel (Most golfers prefer their equipment to feel softer.)
  • Not very forgiving as other steel shafts when it comes to off-center hits
  • Not the best choice for high handicappers


The answer to the question of which shaft is better comes down to personal preference. They’re both high-performance steel shafts. However, the Tour V provides a softer feel and is more forgiving on off-center hits, while C Taper is firmer and provides better overall control.

Based on these qualities, it’s safe to assume that mid-to-high handicappers would benefit more from the softer Tour V, while lower handicappers looking to precisely shape their shots would favor the controllable C Taper. Before making a decision, consider your playing style and overall preferences as well.


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