Can You Golf With More Than 4 People?

If you have a group of 4 or more people that wants to golf together, you may want to know if you are allowed to all golf as one group. In other words, if you want to golf with 5 people, 6 people, etc. is it allowed?

After calling over a dozen golf courses, we found that most of them do not allow groups of more than 4 people at once. They do allow the groups to golf one after another, so the groups can generally stay close to each other.

Note: We tried researching if the USGA had a statement about this, but could not find anything. Since they are the governing body of the golfing world, their word is normally gospel.

Golfing With More Than 4 People Continued

  1. Pace of Play: Larger groups tend to play slower. Maintaining a reasonable pace of play is crucial for the enjoyment of all golfers on the course.
  2. Course Policies: Most courses have set policies on the maximum number of players in a group to maintain order and flow on the course.
  3. Safety: Having more than four players increases the chances of someone being in the way of a shot or not being aware of where all balls are being hit.
  4. Tradition: Foursomes and threesomes have become the standard group sizes in golf.

That said, there are exceptions:

  1. During Private Rounds: If you’re playing on a private course or have rented the entire course for an event, there might be more flexibility in the number of players in a group.
  2. Special Events or Tournaments: Some charity events or fun tournaments might have formats that allow for more than four players in a group.
  3. Course Permission: Some courses might allow larger groups during less busy times or under specific conditions. Always check with the course management before attempting to play in a group larger than four.

In general, if you want to play in a group larger than four, it’s essential to get permission from the golf course in advance. Playing in unauthorized large groups can result in being asked to split up or leave the course.


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