Are Lazrus Wedges Legal?

One of the newer golf club manufacturers on the scene is Lazrus golf. They offer great clubs at a very discounted price. Established back in 2017, they have made a name for themselves quite quickly. One of their most popular items are their wedges. They are sleek, clean looking, and very well designed. However, some people suspect that they aren’t legal to use.

So, to see whether or not Lazrus wedges are legal, I took a look at the USGA and R&A conforming club rules. Below is what I found.

Are Lazrus Wedges Legal? According to the USGA and R&A conforming club databases, Lazarus (Lazarus) wedges are not legal to use. The Lazrus wedges are not available in the conforming club databases, which means that they are not currently approved by the USGA or R&A, thus illegal to use.

In other words, Lazrus wedges are not approved by the USGA/R&A making them illegal to use for any casual, amateur, high-level amateur, or professional golf games and tournaments.

For reference, the USGA and R&A are considered governing bodies of the golfing world. Any rule or regulation that they make is expected to be followed by all other golf groups and organizations. In this case, what that means, is that the Lazrus wedge should be considered illegal by all other golf entities as well.

R&A Conforming Club Database: Lazrus Wedge Illegal

The first resource that I checked was the R&A conforming club database. This database allows you to see all R&A approved clubs. By simply searching the brand or product name and filtering for the type of club, you’ll be able to see which clubs are legal.

In this case, I searched for “lazrus” in the database, and nothing came up. From my experience, when nothing appears for your search, that means it is not approved. From these results, it is clear that there were 0 results when I looked for this brand of club. Below is a screenshot from that search:

USGA Conforming Club Database: Lazrus Wedges Illegal

To double check and make sure that this club is not anywhere in the USGA/R&A’s arsenal of approved clubs, I decided to check the USGA’s conforming club database. Once again, I just searched for “Lazrus”, and nothing came up. Below is a screenshot of that search:

So, because neither of the databases show Lazrus wedges as approved, it is safe to assume that this club is not currently legal in the game of golf.

What Are The USGA and R&A Club Database?

Just to clarify, both of these databases are frequently updated. So even the most recently approved clubs should be in the state of base. Again, as mentioned above, these databases store all approved clubs, so if you were looking for a particular club to see whether or not it is legal, these are your best resources.

There is 1 main reason that comes to mind when trying to figure out why Lazrus wedges are not legal.

  • Not submitted for approval

This is the main reason why most golf clubs aren’t approved by the USGA and R&A.

Not Submitted For Approval For USGA and R&A Approval

This is likely the reason why the club isn’t fully considered legal by the USGA and R&A. When a club is created, the manufacturer must submit the design to either one of these groups. Once it is submitted, then the USGA and R&A make sure it conforms to all of the rules, and then approve it.

Once approved, the club is added to both of the databases above. Chances are, these clubs were not submitted, as it is highly unlikely that their actual design breaks any of the equipment regulations.

Who Is Lazrus Golf Owned By?

I tried to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if I could find out whether or not Lazrus golf had a parent company. Unfortunately, it does not look as though Lazrus golf is registered with the BBB.

After checking with the BBB, I went back to the Lazrus golf site to see if they noted any parent company. I was not able to find anything on their site. All of their copyright and trademark information is in their own name. This leads me to believe that Lazrus golf is actually owned by Lazrus golf.

This is quite common, not every golf manufacturer needs to be owned by someone else. 

Does Lazrus Golf Make A Driver?

Lazrus Golf does not make drivers. After checking their website, there were no available options to purchase any types of drivers. Below is a short list of the types of clubs that Lazrus Golf does have available for purchase:

  • Wedges
  • Irons
  • Hybrids
  • Putters

These are all the available options on their site. As you can see, there is no option for drivers. While it is possible they may come out with a driver, it is not currently available for purchase anywhere.

So, now that we know that Lazarus wedges aren’t approved by the USGA or R&A, we can come to the conclusion that it is not currently legal.

However, does this mean that you really can’t use them in any casual or amateur games. Chances are, no one is going to stop you if you do decide to use these in a non-competitive environment. There aren’t many people who frequently check these conforming club databases to see whether or not every single club someone is using is legal.

So there is a small chance that you do get stopped, but it is still worth trying if you do really like these wedges. If you do decide to use these in a more competitive environment, like high-level amateur or professional tournaments, then you might actually be stopped from using these wedges. Until they get approval, it is unlikely you’ll be able to use them in these more competitive environments.


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