Are Chippers Legal in Golf?

There are a few different golf club types, and the differences can be confusing if you are not familiar with them. Then, add that there are a lot of rules surrounding what kinds of golf clubs you can have in your bag, and you get even more confusion. One of the most commonly confusing clubs is the chipper, but are chippers legal in golf?

Chippers are legal in golf as long as they do not have two faces, a putter grip, or any attachments for helping you aim. These three factors on your chipper give you an advantage over other players and cause controversy surrounding different rules, like how many clubs you can have in your bag.

So, let’s get into what rules surround chippers in golf and the penalty if you have or use an illegal chipper during a match. I’ll also explain the benefits of using a chipper if you have a legal one, especially if you are a beginner or struggle with certain shots close to the green.

Chipper Rules in Golf

Most chippers are legal in golf as long as they only have one face and an iron grip (not a putter grip) and do not have any attachments to help you aim.

Here is the official USGA ruling on chippers:

Yes, chippers are iron clubs, not putters, and therefore must conform to the woods and irons requirements. For example, chippers may not have a putter grip, two striking faces, or appendages for aiming purposes.

Let’s break down each of the three factors of a chipper that makes it illegal. 

First, two-faced chippers and two-faced clubs are generally against the rules. You are only allowed to have 14 clubs in your bag at any time, and clubs with two faces make this rule tricky. While there is no official ruling on whether or not a two-faced club counts as one or two clubs, it is a controversial subject and eliminating them removes the need for an official declaration. 

Second, your chipper cannot have a putter grip. Per the rule above, chippers are irons, not putters. Any club that is not a putter cannot have a putter grip – they must have an iron or driver-specific grip. If your chipper has a putter grip, you are classifying it as a putter, which is not allowed. 

Finally, your chipper cannot have an aiming device attached to the club. It is illegal if it has one of these since aiming devices give you an advantage. They help you ensure you are hitting the ball in the direction of the green or the hole. In addition, chippers are incredibly accurate clubs if you aim them right, so having a device that helps you is illegal because of the advantage you would have. 

Illegal Chipper Penalties

There are penalties if you carry or play with an illegal chipper during a match. The punishment is severe if you use the club, even for just one shot. However, if you have the club in your bag, there is still a penalty, albeit a minor one. 

If you use any illegal club during a round of golf, you are automatically disqualified from the match or tournament. It may seem like a harsh penalty, but certain clubs are illegal for a reason, usually because they give you an unfair advantage over your opponents. Also, you cannot redo a shot using a legal club to prevent disqualification. 

So, even if you only use the illegal club once for the whole game, you still have a slight advantage over your opponents. Otherwise, that one advantage can mean the difference between winning or losing the match. 

Thankfully, the penalty is not as bad if you do not use an illegal chipper, but you have one in your bag. In a stroke-play match, there is a two-stroke penalty for every hole it is in your bag, with a maximum of four strokes. So, if you take it out after one go, your penalty is only two strokes. Otherwise, it is four. In match play, you lose one hole for every hole it is in your bag, up to two lost holes.

These rules apply to competitive rounds of golf. If you are playing a casual game with your friends or playing for fun on your own, you are welcome to use an illegal chipper during your game. They are not unlawful on golf courses, just illegal in competitive tournaments that follow official USGA rules

Benefits of Using a Chipper

As long as you have a legal one, having a chipper in your golf bag can be pretty helpful for a few reasons. They are easier to hit, but they can also help you learn how to hit a chip and run shot. 

Chippers are easier to use than other wedges. Thanks to their head and face, you do not have to hit the ball too hard with a chipper to make it go where you want it. You swing just like you would a putter, and the club is angled such that the ball will go into the air like it does when you hit a wedge.

You can use a chipper to practice hitting chip and run shots, which are challenging to master. Using a chipper to learn these shots is good because you can focus on the motion and distance without worrying about how the clubface is angled. Once you perfect the hit with a chipper, you can practice and perfect the shot with an iron or wedge.

Final Thoughts

Chippers are illegal in golf if they have two faces, a putter grip, or an aiming attachment. You can use an unlawful chipper if you are playing for fun or if your friends who you are playing will allow it.

Otherwise, there is a penalty just for having an illegal club in your bag, and you might be disqualified if you use it during a tournament or competitive match. However, if you have a legal chipper, it can significantly benefit your game.


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