Apex 21 vs. Apex 19

The Apex 19 is the predecessor of the Apex 21, both of which were made by Callaway. These high-quality golf clubs have extremely similar stat lineups, so it’s mostly based on their look and feel.

When it comes to the Callaway Apex 21 vs. Apex 19, the 21 has a slight carrying yardage advantage, while the Apex 19 is a bit cheaper. Both clubs are very similar in terms of club speed, ball speed, and launch angle. They have the same lofts from the 3-iron to the 9-iron, plus all of the wedges.

Throughout this article, I’ll show you a detailed breakdown of the Apex 21 vs. the Apex 19 to help you decide if either of these club sets is right for you.

Callaway Apex 21 vs. Apex 19 Specs Comparison

Comparing the Callaway Apex 21 to the Apex 19 is very difficult because they have similar stats. Every club head has the same loft, ranging from the 19-degree 3-iron to the 54-degree sand wedge. They’re also both made for low-to-mid-handicapped golfers.

Without further ado, here’s a table comparing the speed, angles, and other information you should know about the Apex 21 and Apex 19 club sets.

SpecificationApex 21Apex 19
Club Speed86.6 miles per hour (139 kph)87 miles per hour (140 kph)
Ball Speed125.8 miles per hour (202 kph)125.6 miles per hour (202 kph)
Launch Angle17.5 degrees17.8 degrees
Spin Rate5,6415,716
Carry Yardage182.3 yards (167 meters)181.4 yards (166 meters)

As you can see, the speed and distance were extremely close when comparing these club sets. Not only that, but there’s a difference of fewer than 100 spins. The launch angle was also very similar.

For more information about the distance, ball rotations, and other comparisons between these clubs, check out this helpful YouTube tutorial by 2nd Swing Golf:

Should You Choose the Apex 21 or the Apex 19?

You should choose the Apex 21 if you want the newer club set with a mild speed and distance advantage. However, you could go with the Apex 19 if you’re not too world about the older appearance because you’ll receive quite a price cut.

The Callaway Apex 21 Club Set comes in graphite and steel, both of which include regular and stiff shaft selections. Choose between the 3, 4, 5, and 6-iron, then decide which wedge(s) you need.

Much like the Apex 21 set, the Callaway Apex 19 Club Set comes in allow steel and graphite. It also includes a light flex variant for the graphite shaft. You can also decide which irons and wedges you need for your set.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that the Apex 19 and Apex 21 club sets come in multiple variations, including Pro, Smoke, and more. While these club sets are as close as it gets, the slight advantages you’ll get from the Apex 21 make it a better choice for the vast majority of golfers. It’s also more visually appealing and smoother in your hands.


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