Apex 21 vs. Apex DCB

When you choose Callaway clubs, you know you are getting some of the best quality clubs available. But choosing from the many different irons they have available can be difficult. So, let’s find the right set for you. 

Callaway Apex 21 forged irons are for more experienced golfers looking for some forgiveness, maximum control, and more distance with their swing. Alternatively, the Callaway Apex DCB is better for game improvement with maximum forgiveness. 

Let’s discuss these differences in more detail and figure out which set is best for you. 

Callaway Apex 21 vs. Apex DCB

DetailApex 21Apex DCB
ForgivenessAverage Maximum
DistanceMaximum Average 
Control Maximum Average
Swing SpeedMaximum Average
LaunchAverage Maximum
Spin MaximumAverage

These forged iron sets could not be more different. So, you need to be thoughtful when selecting the ones for you. 

Apex 21

The Callaway Apex 21 irons do not have a lot of forgiveness. However, they do provide plenty of distance, control, and spin. These irons work best for intermediate players with a higher swing speed. 

What truly sets these irons apart from the Apex DCB irons is that these are not for people still learning and trying to improve their game. They do not provide the forgiveness that you need when trying to improve. Instead, they are better for those who are comfortable in their swing and want a little extra help from the club to maximize their distance. 

Apex DCB

The Callaway Apex DCB irons are as close to the opposite of the Apex 21 irons as you can get. These have a huge sweet spot which provides a ton of forgiveness. They also give your shots more height to help you better learn how to use them to your advantage. Getting more height can help you better optimize and control spin. 

With a faster swing speed, you will not need as much launch because you will have enough power to get the right height and spin. However, if you are just learning how to play or have a slower swing speed, these irons can really help you improve your game. 

Many classify the Apex DCB irons as game improvement irons, but don’t let this category fool you. While these irons will help beginners as they learn the game, they can also help people who have trouble staying consistent with their game. These are worth considering if your score varies quite a bit when you play. 

The Apex DCB irons will not give you the most distance or control, but they will help you hit the ball more consistently if you struggle to do so. These irons are especially helpful for people who can’t golf all the time but still want to get better each time they can play. 

Final Thoughts

Both the Callaway Apex 21 and Apex DCB irons are high-quality and can help improve your swing. Which set will work best for you depends on your skill level. If you are an intermediate golfer who wants to improve their spin and distance, we recommend the Apex 21. If you need to improve your consistency, the Apex DCB will be better for you.


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