Are Adjustable Drivers Legal?

Adjustable drivers are a great tool for golfers that want a club that offers diversity. They are especially great for beginners who want a ‘bang-for-your-buck’ kind of golf club. However, with such capabilities, are adjustable drivers legal to use?


To help you figure this out, I looked into how the USGA views adjustable drivers, and whether or not you are able to use them.


Are Adjustable Drivers Legal? Can pro golfers use adjustable drivers? According to the USGA, adjustable drivers are legal to use as long as the club is not not physically adjusted or altered during the entirety of the round of golf. Rule 4b(i) permits the use of adjustable clubs as long as the specifications of the club conform to the rest of the equipment rules.


When Is The Adjustable Driver Legal To Use?


The USGA’s equipment rules can get a bit confusing so, after reading the rules, I’ve boiled the main points down to the bullet points below:


  • The adjustable driver must not be too easy to adjust. If the club can be altered without the use of a tool like an allen wrench, then it is considered too easy to deliberately change. 
  • It must not be adjusted to any degree during the match. You must play on the same setting for the entire round.


To provide a bit more detail, if you begin a golf match with your driver on a 14° loft, it must remain on that loft setting for the entire match. It must also be difficult to adjust the settings on your club. For example, if you can adjust your club with your bare hands, it is not legal to use.


Essentially, if the club itself conforms to the equipment rules (length, loft, weight, etc.) then it is legal to use as long as the two rules above are met. 


Are There Any Exceptions To The Adjustable Driver Rule?

There is one main exception to this rule that allows a player to adjust the club during a round of golf. This exception only takes place when the club is unintentionally damaged during a game.


If a club is naturally damaged during a round of golf, then it can be adjusted as close to its original state as possible. 


So, if you happen to damage your club, and adjusting the clubhead will restore it close to its original form, then you can manually adjust it.


Another Instance Where You Can Adjust The Driver

The USGA specifies one other instance in which you can adjust the driver during a round. If you adjust your club in between strokes, and then adjust it back to its original form before the next stroke, that is legal.


Stroke 1 In Between Strokes Stroke 2
14° 15° 14°


In the example above, the player begins the game with the setting on 14°, then in between strokes, changes the loft to 15°. Before their next shot, the player resets the club to 14°. 


This is totally legal to do, and is one of the only instances where you can adjust the driver mid-round.



Can Pro Golfers Use Adjustable Drivers?

Pro golfers are allowed to use adjustable drivers as long as they do not change or alter the club throughout the duration of the game.


As long as their club conforms to the specifications of the USGA, they are allowed to use it without adjusting it.


Are You Allowed to Adjust Your Driver During a Round of Golf?

You are not allowed to adjust your driver during a round of golf, according to USGA Rule 4.1(a). So, if you have a drive that allows you to manually change its weight, length, loft, etc. you are not able to manipulate it mid-round.


Can You Change The Club If You Have Less Than 14 Clubs?

Some players have brought up that if they have less than 14 clubs, which is the maximum number of clubs you can have in your bag, then why can’t an adjustable club just count as an additional club.


Although it does make sense that an adjustable club could count as multiple clubs, it still violates the USGA’s rules. A club can not be changed, regardless of how many clubs are in your bag.



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