Are Babies Allowed on Golf Courses?

Golf courses are typically serene and quiet places, and most golfers have never seen children, let alone babies, on them. So, are babies allowed on golf courses? 

Babies are allowed on golf courses if the rules permit it. However, many golf courses don’t allow babies due to safety and etiquette considerations. Before bringing your baby to the golf course, check the rules and ensure your baby will be safe and won’t disturb the golfers.

In this article, I’ll discuss whether or not it’s a good idea to take a baby to the golf course and if they can ride in golf carts. Let’s get started! 

Is It a Good Idea To Bring Your Baby to the Golf Course?

It’s not a good idea to bring a baby to the golf course because they risk getting hit by a stray golf ball, and they may disturb other players. 

Rules around having babies on golf courses aren’t universal. Some courses prohibit babies and toddlers outside of the clubhouse, while others leave the decision up to the parents. 

Safety is the most important factor when developing rules or making decisions about having children on the golf course. Although golf is a slow-moving sport, accidents can happen on the course. The most common accident is people getting hit by balls, which is why many clubs don’t allow infants or children on the course. 

Another important reason not to bring babies, young or ill-behaved kids onto the golf course is etiquette. Etiquette is especially important at high-end clubs, where members often pay steep fees to enjoy playing on the course. Having a crying baby, wandering toddler or misbehaving kid on the green can be distracting, annoying, and even spoil a golfer’s game. 

If your golf club allows babies on the course, and you have no choice but to bring your infant, pick a quiet time to go, when the risk of your child getting injured or disturbing other golfers is reduced. 

Can Babies Ride in the Golf Cart?

Whether or not babies can ride in the golf cart depends on the club’s rules. Many golf courses have minimum age requirements for children to ride in a golf cart. Some courses prohibit taking kids under 5 on golf carts. Although golf carts usually move slowly, they can occasionally roll over and cause the passengers to fall out.

Golf carts generally lack safety features for small children, and you’ll find it difficult to attach a child seat to the cart. As a result, babies and toddlers can sustain serious injuries in cart accidents.

Even if you’re allowed to ride the cart with your toddler, be mindful of their safety. Bumpy rides can cause kids to bounce off the seat or hit their heads against objects, which can cause injuries.


Some golf courses allow babies, but others don’t. Parents with small children may have limited access to certain areas or facilities in courses where babies are allowed. Whether there are rules or not, parents should always be mindful of their children’s safety on the golf course.


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