Are Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges Legal?

Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges are for amateurs or beginners and experienced handicappers to improve their short game, especially in bunkers, tight lies, etc. Since these soles aren’t typically found on wedges, you might wonder whether or not Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges are legal.

Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges are legal according to the United States Golf Association (USGA) because they meet the pre-2010 criteria and the amended groove rules that have been in effect since then. However, conformance isn’t a given for any modified wedges.

Since you may have a Cleveland Smart Sole 4 Wedge or one of its earlier versions, you should know if the specific model is legal. Also, apart from the USGA Equipment Rules, both pre-2010 and after, you must check the local golf tournament rules applicable. Read on to know more.

Are All Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges Legal?

Cleveland Golf makes 3 types of Smart Sole 4 wedges:

  • C – chipper wedge.
  • G – gap wedge.
  • S – sand wedge.

All 3 Cleveland Smart Sole 4 Wedges are legal. However, if you modify any of these wedges or a particular model doesn’t have the markings, as noted by the USGA, the Smart Sole 4 wedge may be a problem.

The USGA Informational Club Database has the following references:

  • Club type and images of Smart Sole 4.
  • ‘Cleveland’ marking on the hosel.
  • ‘Smart Sole’ marking on the sole.

An authentic and unmodified Cleveland Smart Sole 4 Wedge is legal. Similarly, the earlier Smart Sole 4 wedges and variants made by Cleveland Golf are also legal as per the USGA, such as the following:

Why Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges Are Legal

The Smart Sole 4 Wedge made by Cleveland Golf is a game-changer for many golfers, which is why some may presume that the features either breach or stretch the Equipment Rules. But that isn’t the case with any of the features or specifications, such as the following:

  • Three-Tiered Sole
  • Feel Balancing Technology
  • Milled Grooves
  • Loft
  • Lie
  • Length

Consider the following specs of the Cleveland Smart Sole 4 Wedge Model C:

  • Length: 34 inches (86.36 cm)
  • Loft: 42°

The Model C is essentially a chipping wedge. Hence, the loft range and maximum allowable length of a chipping club as per the USGA Equipment Rules will apply. The rules state that a chipping club within the loft range of 41° to 44° can’t be longer than 38 inches (96.52 cm).

The Model C doesn’t breach this rule, nor does the three-tiered design of any of the Smart Sole wedges. The sole’s features or design elements are contained across the cavity back and within the main body or outline of the club head.

Therefore, the Cleveland Smart Sole 4 Wedge conforms to the USGA Equipment Rules Part 2 (Conformance of Clubs) Section 4 (Clubhead).

Likewise, all Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges have grooves with the following characteristics, as per the USGA rules:

  • Parallel
  • Straight
  • Symmetrical

Since all the 3 models of Smart Sole 4 Wedges of Cleveland Golf have loft angles exceeding 25°, the grooves must have a plain cross-section to be legal. The 3 models and older variants tick this checkbox as well. The grooves don’t have sharp edges, raised lips, etc.


No feature or specification of any Cleveland Smart Sole Wedges makes them illegal. The Feel Balancing Technology is an innovative evolution of conventional designs to shift the center of gravity without altering other specifications of these wedges to the extent of non-compliance.


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