Are Golf Pride Niion Grips Discontinued?

Yes, Golf Pride Niion grips have been discontinued. Despite no official announcement, current evidence, including feedback from Golf Pride’s customer service, confirms that these grips are no longer in production or sale.

Golf Pride Niion Discontinued: A Detailed Insight

Golf Pride’s Niion grips, known for their vibrant colors and superior grip quality, have been a favorite among golfers. However, recent developments suggest a discontinuation of this line.

Background on Golf Pride Niion

Golf Pride has been at the forefront of golf grip technology, and the Niion line was a significant part of their portfolio, offering a unique blend of aesthetics and functionality.

Indications of Discontinuation

  • Customer Service Confirmation: Direct inquiry to Golf Pride’s customer service revealed that they are not currently selling Niion grips.
  • Absence on Official Website: Niion grips are noticeably absent from Golf Pride’s product listings.
  • Reduced Availability: A marked decrease in availability across retail and online platforms.

Reasons Behind the Discontinuation

  1. Market Dynamics: Shifting preferences in the golfing community may have influenced this decision.
  2. Product Evolution: Golf Pride’s strategy to innovate could lead to phasing out older models.
  3. Business Strategy: Regular updating of product lines to stay competitive.

Impact on Golfers and Alternatives

Golfers fond of Niion grips now face the challenge of scarcity. They must either secure remaining stocks or explore alternative grips that offer similar features.

Golf Pride’s Position

Despite the lack of an official statement, evidence points towards a strategic decision to discontinue the Niion line. Golfers seeking the latest information should refer to Golf Pride’s official channels.


The absence of Niion grips from Golf Pride’s current lineup and their customer service feedback strongly indicate discontinuation. Golfers might need to adjust their preferences and explore other innovative grip options available in the market.

Availability and Confirmation Timeline

YearAvailabilityConfirmation of Discontinuation
2021AvailableNot Confirmed
2022Limited StockNot Confirmed
2023DiscontinuedConfirmed by Customer Service

This table highlights the transition from availability to discontinuation of the Golf Pride Niion grips, culminating in a confirmation from customer service in 2023. As the landscape of golf accessories continues to evolve, the Niion series remains a notable chapter in the history of golf grips.