Can a Woman Use Men’s Golf Clubs?

There are many different types of golf clubs available, and typically, they differ for men and women. So, could a lady use a golf club designed for men? Would it hurt her performance?

Women can use men’s golf clubs, but most women find the weight and design of women’s clubs to be more comfortable and conducive to success. Women who are tall, strong, have fast swings, and have large hands may prefer men’s clubs over women’s. 

In this article, I’ll outline the differences between men’s and women’s clubs and discuss who would prefer a men’s club instead of a women’s. Let’s get started! 

What’s the Difference Between Men’s and Women’s Golf Clubs? 

To better understand why most women feel uncomfortable using men’s golf clubs, let’s first investigate the primary differences between the two. Here are some important distinctions to know: 

  • Men’s clubs are typically longer. The average men’s club is designed for someone with a height of 5’9” (175 cm), whereas the average women’s club is for someone 5’7” (170 cm).
  • Men’s clubs are heavier.  Since women’s clubs usually have different shafts, grips, and clubheads than men’s, women’s clubs are lighter. This helps increase swing speed, as not as much physical strength and energy are needed to lift and swing the club.  
  • Men’s clubs can be made of graphite or steel. Graphite is significantly lighter than steel, and the vast majority of women’s golf clubs are made of graphite.
  • Women’s golf grips are thinner. This makes it easier for women to hold the golf club and achieve the right position and amount of grip tension for optimal performance. 

Now that you understand the difference between men’s and women’s clubs, let’s discuss which women may benefit from using men’s golf clubs. 

When Can Women Use Men’s Golf Clubs? 

Women can use men’s golf clubs, but most women perform better with women’s clubs because they’re designed for smaller proportions. However, here are some situations in which a woman may prefer to use a men’s club: 

  • She’s tall. Taller women, specifically women over 5’7” (170 cm), may prefer the length options available in men’s clubs. 
  • She has a fast swing speed. One of the main reasons women tend to use women’s clubs is that the lighter weight allows them to swing the club faster. However, women with fast swings don’t necessarily need the club to be as lightweight. 
  • She’s strong. If a woman can comfortably swing a men’s club even though it’s heavy, she can use a men’s club. And it may help her achieve better distance and speed.
  • She has larger hands. Women with larger hands may find the grip on men’s clubs more comfortable and conducive for the right grip on the club. 

If the following conditions are met, a woman may experience more success using a men’s golf club than a women’s. Ultimately, people should choose the club that feels the best for them and their swing style, proportions, and experience, regardless of the gender associated with the club. 


Women can use men’s golf clubs if they feel more comfortable and can swing them comfortably. Women who use men’s golf clubs tend to be taller and stronger than the average woman, with a faster swing and larger hands. 


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