Can You Rent Golf Clubs at Driving Range?

Maybe you want to head to a driving range but don’t have any clubs with you. Maybe you’re traveling, or you’re a beginner and you don’t have your own set of clubs yet. Does this mean you have no option but to purchase clubs? 

You can rent golf clubs at most driving ranges. However, you might not get the highest quality clubs. The cost of renting golf clubs is between $15 and $50 in most driving ranges.

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about renting golf clubs at a driving range. Let’s get to it!  

Renting Golf Clubs at a Driving Range 

Almost all driving ranges offer clubs for golfers to rent. However, depending on the type of golf course and how busy the course is, the clubs may be pretty outdated or banged up.

Additionally, if you’re used to playing with clubs that are designed for you and your swing style, using rental clubs may be a tough adjustment. This typically means that you won’t get the best performance of your life out of the clubs, but you’ll still get in some practice and fun! 

Unfortunately, some driving ranges don’t have that many rentable clubs, and they’re usually available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Therefore, if you show up late in the day, you might be out of luck. All the clubs may have already been rented to other golfers. 

On the bright side, some driving ranges even allow you to rent clubs for free with the purchase of golf balls to hit. If the rental isn’t free, it’s usually somewhere between $15 and $50. More upscale driving ranges may veer into the $100 range for rental, but if the price is that high, you can usually expect much higher quality clubs. 

Considering the average price of a new set of golf clubs for an intermediate player is around $350, I definitely recommend renting clubs instead of purchasing new ones if you’re traveling and want to go to a driving range. 

Another benefit of this system is that beginners can get a feel for the sport without investing a lot of money in the equipment. There’s really no way for a potential golfer to know if they want to continue with the sport if they don’t practice, so renting clubs at a driving range allows them to test it out and determine if it’s worth their while to invest in their own set of clubs. 

If you’re worried about the driving range not having clubs available for rent, I recommend calling them ahead of time and asking before making the journey. There’s no point in traveling all the way there only to discover that they don’t have clubs available for rental. 


Most, but not all, driving ranges have sets of clubs available for rental. The price of renting can range anywhere from free (with the purchase of golf balls) to $100 or more at more upscale places.

This system allows beginners to try out the sport without spending a lot of money on equipment, and it allows people to go to driving ranges while traveling without having to purchase a new set of clubs.


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