Can You Use Brasso on Golf Clubs?

Having clean golf clubs will give you more confidence on the golf course, but what should you do when your favorite clubs get tarnished and need to be cleaned? One option that may come to mind is Brasso, but can you use Brasso on golf clubs?

You can use Brasso on golf clubs made of brass, steel, or copper golf clubs. Brasso is a strong solution that will remove the worst of the dirt and rust from your golf clubs without damaging them, as long as you do not use it on your clubs too often. 

This article has everything you need to know about using Brasso on golf clubs, including whether or not you should use it and some precautions you should take.

Should You Clean Golf Clubs With Brasso?

Brasso is a metal polish commonly used on brass, copper, and steel to remove tarnish. If you use it properly, it can make your golf clubs look shiny and new.

You can clean golf clubs with Brasso, which will not damage them. You can get Brasso as a liquid and use a cloth or sponge to clean the clubs. Or, you can also get Brasso as a pad that you can use to manually scrub your club. 

No matter which type of Brasso you get, you must spend time on each club you want to clean. And you might want to do a couple of rounds of cleaning to get it as shiny as possible. 

If you want to see the results of Brasso on an old Ping Putter, check out this Youtube video from Not Imran. 

Precautions To Take With Brasso

Brasso is safe to use on golf clubs, but there are some precautions you should take when using it to clean your clubs. 

  • Do not use it too often: While using Brasso on your golf clubs is safe, you should avoid using it too much or too often. Over time it could ruin the golf clubs, so only use Brasso on them when they need it. If your clubs get tarnished too often, you may want to look into preventative measures like head covers or a cover over the top of your whole golf bag. 
  • Ask a professional if you are wary: If you want to be sure that Brasso is safe for your specific clubs, reach out to a professional who can tell you what kind of material your clubs are. You can ask at a golf store, clubhouse, or a pro at a driving range or course. They can tell you if Brasso is your best option or if you would be better off using something else to clean your clubs.

Final Thoughts

Brasso works well on golf clubs that are older and losing their shine. You can use liquid Brasso or a Brasso pad to scrub the club until the dirt and tarnish start to fade. Be patient, but your club will look brand new with enough cleaning.


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