Pro Golfers Who Play Well In The Rain

Rain can transform a golf course, making greens softer, fairways longer, and overall play more challenging. Over the years, several PGA players have distinguished themselves as exceptional rainy day competitors.…

Can You Golf With A Walking Boot?

Yes, according to the USGA, it's technically possible to golf with a walking boot, but there are several considerations to keep in mind. Additionally, we called 8 different courses and…

Can You Golf in Leggings?

Yes, you can golf in leggings, but whether it's acceptable largely depends on the dress code of the specific golf course or club you're playing at. We contacted 11 different…

Can You Golf With A Watch On?

Yes, you can golf with a watch on. Many golfers wear watches while they play, and some golf-specific watches are designed to help golfers track their game, measure distances, and…

Can You Golf With A Cast?

There is no USGA Ruling that prevents someone from wearing a cast when they golf, so it is legal to play with a cast. Golfing With A Cast Cont. Golfing…