Do NFL Players Poop Their Pants?

Do NFL Players Poop Their Pants?

It’s a question that might draw chuckles or raised eyebrows, but it’s a serious and practical consideration when discussing the physical demands and realities of professional football players. The NFL is an arena where athletes push their bodies to the limit, which can sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations, including the need for a sudden bathroom break. So, do NFL players actually have accidents on the field?

Quick Answer

While not widely publicized, NFL players, like any athletes performing at high levels, can and sometimes do have accidents on the field. The combination of intense physical activity, strict hydration routines, and the impracticality of mid-game bathroom breaks can lead to these rare but real occurrences.

Understanding the Physiology

The Stress Response

During high-intensity sports, the body is in a heightened state of arousal, and its focus shifts away from non-essential functions, like digestion. However, the stress response can sometimes stimulate the bowels unexpectedly, leading to an urgent need that may not always be addressed in time.

Hydration and Diet

NFL players consume large quantities of fluids to stay hydrated. Combined with a diet that’s high in protein and other nutrients to maintain their physique and energy, this can create a perfect storm for gastrointestinal distress.

Practical Challenges

The reality of gearing up in a football uniform means that taking a bathroom break isn’t as simple as it is for the average person. The time it takes to remove the necessary equipment and padding can be impractical during a game, especially when every second counts.

Historical Incidents

Without delving into specific names or incidents, there have been occasions where NFL players have admitted to having accidents on the field. These admissions usually come after the fact and are treated with a mix of humor and understanding by teammates and fans alike.

League Responses and Solutions

The NFL and individual teams are aware that accidents can happen. While it’s not a common occurrence, they handle such situations discreetly. Teams are prepared to assist players quickly and ensure that they can return to the game as soon as possible.


The physical demands of playing in the NFL mean that players sometimes find themselves in uncomfortable and urgent situations. While the instances of players having accidents on the field are not common public knowledge, they do occur and are dealt with professionally and discreetly. It’s a testament to the intense and demanding nature of the sport and the reality that even the most elite athletes are human.