Dynamic Gold S200 Weight

Finding new shafts for your golf clubs can be challenging with so many options out there. The Dynamic Gold S200 shafts may be right for you if you need a stiff flex. So, let’s break down some of their specifications. 

The Dynamic Gold S200 shafts weigh 127 grams (4.48 oz) and are the lightest of the stiff flex series. They are slightly under the standard 130 grams (4.58 oz)aimed at stiff flex shafts giving you a lighter feel for an easier swing. 

Let’s talk more about the Dynamic Gold S200 shafts compared to other similar options. 

How Heavy Is the S200 Compared to Other Sub-Flexes?

Dynamic Gold ShaftWeight
S200127 grams (4.48 oz)
S300130 grams (4.58 oz)
S400134 grams (4.73 oz)

Dynamic Gold Shafts come in three stiff flex variations. Each option has a different weight variation depending on what you are most comfortable with. So, let’s talk about which weight may work better for you. 

Golfers with fast swing speeds should use stiff rather than regular flex staffs. If you are considering the S200 shafts, you probably already know that a faster swing speed will do better with these shafts. So, let’s get more specific about which weight works better with your swing speed to help you find the best stiff shaft for you. 

While there is little variation in the weight of these shafts, you will feel the difference as you swing. Golfers with a slower swing speed should stick with lighter shafts as it can help them maintain control over the club throughout the shot. Those with faster swings will benefit from heavier shafts as the club will give less when you swing. 

Can These Small Weight Variations Make a Difference?

Seeing the 3-gram (0.1 oz) and 4-gram (0.14 oz) weight variations in the Dynamic Gold S shafts certainly doesn’t look like much. Getting the wrong size for you may not negatively impact your game. However, you must understand that you will feel a difference as you swing these shafts. 

Lighter shafts allow for more flexibility in the club as you swing it. If you are using a stiff flex, then you will still experience some give as you swing the club. Choosing the S200 shafts gives you the most possible give while remaining stiff. This will change how the club impacts the ball and generally cause the ball to fly higher. 

The S300 shafts are a more standard stiff flex. These have a very average weight, allowing you to get the truest stiff flex. If you are comfortable with a stiff flex and don’t think you could benefit from more or less flex, then the S300 shafts are probably the best option for you. 

Finally, the S400 shafts are the stiffest in this group. You can get the stiffest flexes with Dynamic Gold shafts without moving up to extra stiff. If you feel like you swing a little too fast for stiff but not quite fast enough for extra stiff shafts, then the S400 shafts will probably work best for you. 

Final Thoughts

Because the Dynamic Gold S200 shafts weigh the least out of each one in the series, they are great for golfers who want something between regular and stiff flexes. We recommend trying the S300 shafts if you need something average and the S400 shafts if your swing is slightly too fast for stiff flex.


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