Farthest Golf Ball Ever Hit

Golf is a popular sport for people of all ages all around the world. But beyond casual enjoyment, there is a competitive side to the sport that can be played at any level. While the rules of the game may have changed slightly over the years, the record for the farthest golf ball ever hit has belonged to the same golfer for nearly five decades.

This article will explain the history of this record including who the golfer is, how far the ball was hit, and the secret behind his long, powerful swing.

How Far Was the Farthest Golf Ball Ever Hit?

The farthest golf ball ever hit landed a whopping 515 yards from the tee box. This hit was made on a 450-yard par-4, meaning that the golfer hit the ball through fairway, rough, and even lake to reach that incredible distance.

For comparison, the average drive on the professional golf tour is only around 275 yards long, but we’ll cover just how this was achieved a little later.

Who Hit the Farthest Golf Ball Ever?

The record holder for the farthest golf ball ever hit goes to Mike Austin, a professional golfer who set this record in 1974. The ball was so far that it even landed beyond the reach of some of his fellow competitors, requiring them to get in their cars and drive along the fairway to retrieve it.

To this day, Mike holds several other long-distance golf records including the longest drive on a par-5 at 515 yards and the longest drive ever with a 3 wood at 460 yards. Despite these impressive distances, he is best known for his record hit in 1974.

What Ball Were They Using?

With such an impressive distance covered, it’s normal to ask what type of golf ball was used to achieve this feat. At the time of this shot, Mike Austin was using a Balata golf ball, which is a type of old-school ball that is no longer produced since being replaced with a more modern design.

Even more impressive, this shot was made with a wooden driver, meaning even less control over the ball!

Final Thoughts

If you’re a golfer looking to improve your game, Mike Austin’s record serves as an inspiring example of what is possible with enough practice and determination. Whether or not you ever plan on hitting a golf ball over 500 yards, take something away from this story that can help improve your own performance!


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