Golf Pride MCC Plus 4 vs. New Decade

Though often an after-thought for many players, golf grips are actually essential in every player’s bag. Golf Pride is the industry’s leading brand as far as grips go, with two of its most popular models being MCC Plus 4 and MCC New Decade. However, how do these two widely beloved grips compare to one another?

Golf Pride MCC Plus 4 and New Decade are both popular golf grips manufactured by the same brand. However, MCC Plus 4 features a hybrid grip design, whereas its New Decade counterpart is more traditional. The former is also tackier and more durable, while the latter is more affordable.

Below, I’ve compiled a comparison table showcasing where the two models stand against each other in terms of their most important specs. I’ve also explored each option’s advantages and drawbacks, so you can make a better-informed decision on which one would serve you best.

Golf Pride MCC Plus 4 vs. New Decade: Comparison Table

MCC Plus 4MCC New Decade
Price (per unit)$28$15
Grip DesignHybridTraditional
DurabilityVery HighHigh
TackinessVery HighHigh
Best Suited ToPlayers looking for improved performancePlayers looking for a traditional feel

By now, you should have a better idea of how these two models compare. To learn more about their advantages and drawbacks, read on.

Golf Pride MCC Plus 4

Golf Pride MCC Plus 4 is a state-of-the-art grip designed with game improvement in mind. The creators claim the handle grip releases optimal pressure. The additional wraps of tape on the handle enable a lighter grip with less tension. Plus, the exclusive cord technology makes this grip suitable for all weather conditions. 

Despite all these advantages, its high price point can make it pretty inaccessible to most players. 


  • Extremely durable
  • Extremely tacky
  • Excellent feel
  • Versatile
  • Impressive control
  • Plenty of size options


  • Expensive
  • A bit bulky

Golf Pride MCC New Decade

Golf Pride’s MCC New Decade is known for its traditional design and accessible price point. Although it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, it’s a solid device with high customer satisfaction ratings. Plus, this grip also works well in all weather conditions. However, it’s not as durable or tacky as its counterpart.


  • Great feedback.
  • Great control.
  • Traditional design and feel.
  • Plenty of size options.
  • Still tackier than most models.
  • Versatile.
  • Stylish
  • Affordable.


  • Not as durable as its counterpart; can wear out quicker.
  • Not as tacky as its counterpart
  • Not as comfortable as its counterpart.


Golf Pride MCC Plus 4 and New decade are both excellent-quality grips, and neither is inherently better than the other. With that said, each of them is better suited to golfers with particular priorities. 

So read through the comparisons, advantages, and drawbacks outlined above to make a personalized decision on which one would serve you best. If you’re still unsure, you can always contact a professional or go to your local golfing gear store for a consultation.


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