How Long Should Golf Pants Be?

As a golfer, you probably focus so much on your performance that the clothes you wear become an afterthought. The game’s culture usually encourages this kind of thinking too, considering most courses, especially casual ones, don’t have a set dress code that prohibits certain clothing items. With that said, knowing how to properly dress for a golf game can not only help you perform better but also respect the game – so, for example, how long should your pants be?

Golf pants should usually be full-length, with inseams ranging from 30 to 36 inches (76 to 91 cm) depending on the player’s height. You want the bottom of the pants to drape a bit over your shoe; however, never too much. Shorts are generally acceptable, though they shouldn’t be too short or tight.

To learn more about the game’s policies on pant length, as well as other guidelines on proper attire, make sure to keep reading. Though clothes might be the least of your priorities when playing golf, it’s important to remember that what makes the sport special in the first place is its aura of class, which is why showing that through your clothes can attest to your respect for the game. The right clothing can also help you perform better, so be sure to stick around.

Golfing Attire Guidelines

Here’s what you need to know about choosing the right attire when golfing:


As mentioned, bottoms should ideally be full-length, with inseams ranging from 30 to 36 inches (76 to 91 cm). However, if it’s particularly hot, most courses allow shorts as well. Still, your shorts’ inseam should be no shorter than 5-7 inches (13-18 cm), and it can go up to 11 inches (28 cm)  in certain cases.

Moreover, never wear jeans or sweatpants. Go for slacks or khakis instead.


If you take your golfing seriously, you never should wear t-shirts while playing in. Though not all courses enforce this rule, the proper top attire for golfing is a collared shirt, which is why polos are ideal for this purpose. They’re just as comfortable and breathable as t-shirts, but they’re far more flattering. Cropped or low-neck tops are also discouraged.


Stay away from sandals and other rubber shoes when golfing. The right footwear should be equipped with some soft spikes to keep you from slipping. The best approach is to look for shoes that have “golf” somewhere in their description, as no ordinary footwear offers the same performance.


Don’t forget to wear matching, sweat-absorbing socks, as well as gloves, a hat, and sunglasses if it’s sunny out. Keep in mind that though most accessories are optional, they can help greatly improve your game. Gloves, for example, can help you keep a better grip on your club.


The right golfing attire can help you pay respect to the game, feel more confident, and physically perform better, which is why you’ll want to pay close attention to what you wear when out on the courses.

If possible, I always recommend checking the dress code outlined by the venue you’ll be playing in – that’ll surely make your job a whole lot easier. However, if that’s not an option, just stick to the tips outlined above and I guarantee you’ll never feel over or underdressed when golfing, no matter where you’re playing.


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