List of Illegal Golf Tees

Many would consider golf tees to be the least important piece of equipment in the game. While it may be true, there are still standards that tees must conform to in order to be considered legal. Both the USGA and R&A have input equipment rules for tees; if those tees do not conform to the rules, then they are considered illegal.

For those that may be wondering, what golf tees are illegal? I was able to get together a list of illegal tees according to the equipment rules.

List Of Illegal & Non-Conforming Tees

Below are illegal golf tees:

  • Anti Slice Golf Tees
  • Flight Path Golf Tees

Why Are These Golf Tees Illegal?

These golf tees are illegal as they aid the player in manipulating the movement of the ball. In other words, the tees help the player control where they want the ball to go, which is illegal according to the USGA and R&A.

What Makes A Golf Tee Illegal

There are 4 major rules that golf tees must not break. If either one of these rules is broken, then the tee is considered illegal. The illegal golf tees listed above break one of these 4 rules. Below are the rules:

A tee is a device designed to raise the ball off the ground. A tee must not:

  1. Be longer than 4 inches (101.6 mm);
  2. Be designed or manufactured in such a way that it could indicate line of play;
  3. Unduly influence the movement of the ball; 
  4. Assist the player in making a stroke or in his play.

Most of the tees listed above break rule number 3 as they help the player control the movement of the ball. So, if you are not sure if your tees are conforming, just double check to make sure that they do not break any of these rules.

Are Martini Golf Tees Legal?

Martini golf tees are designed to have a wider top, making it much harder for the ball to fall off. In other words, it is much easier to place the ball on top of this tee compared to other tees.

Yes, Martini golf tees are legal to use. Their design conforms to all of the USGA’s rules, and they do not impact the flight path of the ball, thus making it legal to use.

Are Brush Golf Tees Legal?

Brush tees are designed to have less friction between the ball and the tee. This means that the ball should go farther in theory. Even with this design, Brush Tees are still legal to use. As long as the tees do not exceed 4-inches they are considered conforming.

Are Anti-Slice Golf Tees Legal?

Anti Slice golf tees are not legal to use in any casual, high-level amateur, or professional golf games and tournaments. Anti Slice tees break the equipment rules set in by the USGA. More specifically, they break the rule that states that a golf tee must not influence the flight path of the ball.

Because these tees are designed to reduce the amount of slices, they break the equipment rules. Thus making anti slice golf tees illegal.

Are Flight Path Golf Tees Legal?

Flight Path golf tees are designed to help a golfer hit a straighter ball. Flight Path golf tees are designed to angle the ball in such a way that allows the golfer to only hit a straight ball.

Flight Path golf tees are illegal to use as they break the equipment rules set in by the USGA. These golf tees influence the flight path of the ball, which is considered non-conforming. This means that Flight Path golf tees are illegal to use in any casual, high-level amateur, or professional tournaments and games.

Are Castle Golf Tees Legal?

Castle Tees are designed to give the player the same tee height for every single shot they make. In other words, they are designed to give the player consistent tee height.

Castle golf tees are totally legal to use for any golf tournaments or games.

Are Rubber Golf Tees Legal?

Rubber golf tees, although uncommon in most tournaments and games, do exist. Because they are so uncommon, many believe that they aren’t legal.

However, rubber tees are legal to use in golf. There are no rules against what type of material a golf tee can be made from. So, a rubber golf tee is considered conforming. 

Are Plastic Golf Tees Legal?

Plastic golf tees are legal to use in any tournament or game of golf. The USGA has no restriction on the material a tee can be made from. This means that they can be used in any casual, high-level amateur, or professional golf games.

Some local courses do have issues on the pollution that plastic golf tees create, however there is no equipment rule that prohibits them from being used.


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