Is The S7K Putter Legal?

The S7k Putter has been increasing in popularity in recent years. It gives players, especially amateurs, a great advantage on the green when it comes to alignment. However, because of these advantages, many people suspect that this club should not be legal. I looked at the USGA and R&A’s equipment regulations to figure out whether or not this club is illegal.

Is the S7k Putter Legal? According to the USGA and R&A, the S7k putter is totally legal to use for all casual, amateur, high-level amateur, and professional rounds or tournaments. In other words, this self-standing putter is legal to use in golf. So if you have the S7k putter, feel free to keep it in your bag.

Why Do People Think The S7K Putter Is Illegal?

For those that don’t know the S7k is a controversial putter because it is a ‘self-standing’, ‘stand-alone’ or ‘free-standing’ putter. Essentially, it can stand up on its own. This style of putter gives a golfer the ability to leave their putter standing while walking behind the club to get a better read of their putting line. This is mainly why people question its legality.

According to rule 10.2b in both the USGA and R&A’s equipment regulations, a putter can be self-standing as long as there are no additional accessories on the putter. In other words, using the putter head as an alignment tool is totally legal, and the putter can be standing on its own. There is no aspect to the S7k putter that breaks any USGA or R&A regulations.

What Are The Benefits Of A Self Standing Putter?

The biggest pro of having a self-standing putter is that it can significantly help with alignment on the green. Having the club stand on its own means that you can stand further back behind the putter and get a better read of the green. Through this, you will be able to set a better line of putt.

This will help you sink more golf balls if used correctly. If you struggle setting a line of putt for yourself, this club can be an incredibly helpful tool.

What Do Illegal Putter Alignment Tools Look Like?

Now knowing that the S7k is not considered an ‘alignment tool’ specifically, it is probably best to see what actual illegal alignment tools look like. Seeing this may help you understand why the S7k isn’t considered illegal.

The above example comes directly from the USGA’s equipment rules PDF. All above examples are considered non-conforming putters. In the first example, the mirror on the club is considered an ‘external attachment’ which directly violates the putter club head rules.

The second example violates two rules. The first rule is that the club head does not conform to the dimensional regulations as the laser device sticks out too far from the club head. The second reason that this is illegal is because the laser pointer is an electronic device which is not allowed to be a part of any golf club.

The third putter breaks two rules as well. The first rule is that it does not conform to the proper dimensions that all putters are supposed to follow. The second rule is that the mirror tool is considered an external accessory.

Final Thoughts: Legality Of S7k Putter

After looking through the USGA and R&A rules on putter regulations, it is clear that the S7k does not break any of the equipment rules. The above examples are there to give a little perspective on what illegal alignment tools do look like. After seeing these examples, it does not seem as ridiculous that the S7k is legal to use.


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