Lie Angle for Tall Golfers

One of the terms you may hear when it comes to golf and golf clubs is the lie angle, which varies by golfer and club. So what is the best lie angle for tall golfers?

Tall golfers want a bigger lie angle, which means their clubs are more upright than other golfers. The lie angle will be too low if the clubs are too short or not fitted properly for a tall golfer, and the wrong angle can cause taller golfers to hook the ball, even if they have a good swing. 

This article explains what the lie angle in golf is and what the lie angle needs to be for tall golfers. 

What Is a Lie Angle?

First, we need to understand what the lie angle in golf is. There will be space between the ground and the club’s shaft when holding a golf club like you are about to hit a ball. This area is called the lie angle, and you can adjust it depending on how high or low your hands are. 

You’ll have your natural lie angle when you hold the club as you naturally would, with the club head flat parallel to the ground. But, if you move your hands up or closer to the ball, the lie angle will increase. Similarly, the lie angle will be smaller if you lower your hands or step further away from the ball. 

The lie angle will vary for different types of clubs, regardless of your height. The driver will have the lowest lie angle since you are standing further away from the ball when you use it. On the other hand, wedges have the highest lie angle because you are close to the ball, so your hands are higher when you hit them. 

Getting the right lie angle based on height is essential as it affects how accurate and long your shots are.

How To Choose the Lie Angle for Tall Golfers

Golfers of different heights and swings will need different lie angles to get good shots. For tall golfers, the lie angle needs to be bigger since their hands are further away from the ball. 

The goal in finding the right lie angle for a tall golfer is to make it so that the club is parallel to the ground when it makes an impact with the ball. If this doesn’t happen, the club head won’t make a good impact with the ball and won’t fly straight. 

If tall golfers use average-sized clubs, the lie angle will be too low, and the ball will likely hook. If you’re a tall golfer and see the ball hook frequently, you should get clubs fitted to your height, or at least made for golfers your size, and stop using standard clubs.

Final Thoughts

Lie angle is important if you want accurate shots. If your lie angle is off, you will not have good shots, even if you have a perfect swing. As a tall golfer, you want a bigger lie angle which will keep you from hooking the ball.


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