Mini Golf vs Putt Putt

Mini golf and putt putt are both versions of golf, and many people use the terms interchangeably. But, while the two sports are similar, there are some major differences between them. So how do mini golf and putt putt compare? 

Mini golf and putt putt are both small-scale versions of golf where players are only putting and never take full swings. But, mini golf is made for entertainment with many obstacles, whereas putt putt is a more serious version with tournaments and professional players who compete for money. 

This article explains how mini golf and putt putt are similar and their differences. We also show some examples of each one so you can compare them. 

Mini Golf and Putt Putt Similarities

Mini golf and putt putt are both versions of the sport of golf, but instead of using multiple clubs on a large course, players are only putting with one club. 

Like normal golf, mini golf and putt putt courses have either nine or 18 holes. Each course has a par which is the average number of strokes that a player should need to make to complete the course. 

Each hole on a mini golf and putt putt course is small, and they are all greens. There are no fairways, but there is a tee box to start each hole. 

Mini Golf and Putt Putt Differences

Even though there are a few similarities between the two types of golf, there are also some differences that we will highlight in this section. 

Putt Putt

Putt putt is a more serious version of the game, and while it still can be played for fun like mini golf, there are professional versions and tournaments of the sport. 

There are professional mini golf organizations and tournaments worldwide, with two in the United States alone. The first organization is the US ProMiniGolf Association or the USPMGA. They hold their own version of the Master’s and US Open tournaments and others all over the country. 

The second professional putt putt organization in the United States is the Professional Putters Association. This organization has a yearly golf tour, similar to that of the PGA Tour, which is for normal golf. They hold tournaments throughout the year, plus a national invitational. All this builds up for the organization’s main event, National Championship week, which takes place every fall for the best putt putt players. 

Furthermore, putt putt is a registered trademark, so each putt putt course and hole is carefully made, and other courses cannot recreate them outside of the official courses. And, there is even a specific par for each course, similar to normal golf. The par for every hole is the same, par 2, but there is always a chance that a skilled player can get a hole in one. 

Since each hole is a par 2, or par one if you are skilled, there cannot be a lot of obstacles or distractions like there are in mini golf. The putt putt courses used for tournaments need to be well kept like actual golf courses are. The players in the tournaments take them seriously, and they need to be able to practice on them as well, which is why mini golf courses cannot suddenly become putt putt courses just by removing the obstacles. 

Mini Golf

On the other hand, mini golf is a version of the game that is meant to be more for fun and entertainment. Mini golf courses tend to have a lot of crazy obstacles and even sometimes have a theme for their course. 

Some typical obstacles found on mini golf courses include: 

  • Windmills 
  • Tunnels 
  • Bridges 
  • Rivers to pass 
  • Trick or fake holes that lead your ball to somewhere else on the course 

Or, you may see mini golf courses indoors with many flashing lights or even ones that glow in the dark with light-up clubs, balls, and holes. These are all fun elements, but you would never see them in putt putt since they are distracting. 

Mini golf is usually played for fun, and sometimes when people play, they don’t even follow the rules or keep score since it is such a laid-back sport. But, there are still rules you can follow that are not as intense as the ones in putt putt. Unlike Putt-Putt, which has a par for each hole of 2, mini golf usually has a higher par and a stroke limit of five, which is way more than any professional putt putt player would ever score. 

Furthermore, mini golf has penalty strokes that players get if balls get stuck in obstacles or the ball is hit too hard and leaves the course. The balls would never leave the course in putt putt because there is no need to hit them so hard since the holes are pretty straightforward. And, there are no obstacles for the balls to get stuck in, so there is no need for these penalty strokes. 

Mini Golf and Putt Putt Examples

Now that you know the similarities and differences between mini golf and putt putt, let’s look at an example of each one.  

For an example of a mini golf course with a lot of obstacles and other crazy features, check out this video from Brooks Holt on Youtube that gives a tour of a cool mini golf course in Minnesota: 

Next, this video from Harris Miniature Golf Company shows highlights from the Harris Cup, a professional putt putt tournament: 

As you can see, the mini golf course looks a lot more fun, the putt putt game is a lot more serious, and the players focus on each shot. But it makes sense since professional putt putt players can make some serious money if they win a tournament. 

Final Thoughts

Mini golf and putt putt are both putting versions of golf that use normal golf balls, courses with a par, and players trying to get the ball in the hole. But, mini golf is a fun version where you see the popular windmills and other cool obstacles. Putt putt is more serious, and some professional players compete in putt putt tournaments.


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