Ping ZZ Lite Shaft Specs

Ping is one of the most trusted golf manufacturers, offering various shaft types for different golfers. The Ping ZZ Lite is one of their most popular options. 

The Ping ZZ Lite shaft weighs 115 grams (4.05 oz), has a torque of 1.9, and has a stiff tip. It is best for golfers with average swing speed and distance. Golfers using this shaft usually experience medium ball flight. 

In this article, I’ll answer all your questions about the Ping ZZ Lite shaft specifications and discuss who will experience the most success using this shaft. Let’s get started! 

What Is a Ping ZZ Lite Shaft? 

The Ping ZZ Lite is a lightweight, steel golf shaft. Its weight, torque, and high flex point allow golfers to achieve a more relaxed swing, and it is best for golfers with average swing speeds and power. 

The following table outlines some specifications that may be useful for you to know: 

Weight 115 grams (4.05 oz)
Torque 1.9 
Tip Stiff 
Ball Flight Medium 

I recommend the Ping ZZ Lite for golfers with a swing speed of 95-100 mph (153-161 kph) and who typically achieve a distance of at least 255 yards (233 m). Golfers who swing faster than this may feel that the Ping ZZ Lite is too lightweight and uncontrollable, and golfers with a slower swing may need something more flexible and with more ball flight.  

Is a Stiff Tip Shaft Good? 

One of the most notable features of the Ping ZZ Lite is that it has a stiff tip. Some golfers experience more success with a stiff tip, whereas others may struggle more. A stiffer tip usually increases the resistance to twisting, otherwise known as torque. Therefore, the Ping ZZ Lite is considered a low-torque shaft.  

Some golfers, usually strong golfers with more aggressive swings, find that using shafts with high torque causes them to produce unsatisfactory shots. On the other hand, golfers who don’t have as strong a swing may experience low-trajectory shots with a low-torque shaft. 

Which Shaft Weight Is Right for Me? 

The Ping ZZ Lite shaft is considered lightweight, and depending on your skill level and experience, this may be an advantage or a disadvantage. 

Some golfers may find that having such a lightweight shaft doesn’t encourage them to activate all the necessary muscles to achieve a powerful hit, as the light shaft doesn’t require them to use their arms, shoulders, and core muscles. On the other hand, beginner golfers may struggle to swing golf clubs with shafts that are too heavy and may benefit from using a lightweight shaft.  

Ultimately, I recommend getting professionally fitted for your golf clubs so you can get a customized set of clubs that work for you, your body, and your swing. That way, you can reach your fullest potential. 

Final Thoughts 

The Ping ZZ Lite golf shaft is lightweight and low-torque, with a stiff tip section and medium ball flight. It works best for golfers with average or powerful golf swings, who typically swing at a speed of 95 to 100 mph (153-161 kph). Some golfers with slower swings may find that their shots using a Ping ZZ Lite shaft don’t get enough trajectory.


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