Umbrella Golf Game | How To Play & Score

What Is The Umbrella Golf Game?

Umbrella golf is a side game that players can compete in. There must be a total of 4 players in order for this game to work. You must form 2 teams of 2 players. Each hole there are 5 challenges to compete in. Some are individual challenges and others are team challenges. The main goal is to score the most points for your team and for yourself before the end of your round of golf.

How To Play The Umbrella Golf Game

There are a handful of ways that most people play Umbrella. Each variation follows a similar structure. Below is how most of the Umbrella games are played.

 Each hole, the players have a chance to win at 5 different challenges. These 5 challenges are:

  • Get the lowest individual score
  • Get the team lowest total
  • Hit the green in regulation (individual)
  • Both team members hit the green in regulation
  • Either member gets a birdie

There are certain challenges that must be done as a team, and there are others that must be done individually. After each hole, the slate is cleaned and everyone has a chance to win the 5 challenges again on the next hole.

How Does Scoring Work In The Umbrella Golf Game?

The scoring for Umbrella is a bit confusing, however, once you understand it, it will be easy to remember. On hole 1, each one of these challenges is worth 1 point. So, either 1 point for the individual person or 1 person for the team, depending on which challenge it is.

As you progress onto hole 2, 3, 4, etc. the points follow suit. So, on hole 2, each challenge is worth 2 points, on hole 3, each challenge is worth 3 points, etc. Below is how each hole should be structure:

Hole 1Team 1Team 1Team 2Team 2
Player 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
1 point for lowest individual score
1 point for team with lowest total
1 point if a player hits the green in regulation
1 point if your teammate hits the green in regulation
1 point if either team member gets a birdie
Hole 2Team 1Team 1Team 2Team 2
Player 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
2 point for lowest individual score
2 point for team with lowest total
2 point if a player hits the green in regulation
2 point if your teammate hits the green in regulation
2 point if either team member gets a birdie
Hole 3Team 1Team 1Team 2Team 2
Player 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
3 point for lowest individual score
3 point for team with lowest total
3 point if a player hits the green in regulation
3 point if your teammate hits the green in regulation
3 point if either team member gets a birdie

Notice that the points increase and correspond to the hole that you are on. As the game goes on, the later holes are the most valuable.

How To Get An Umbrella In The Umbrella Golf Game

If an individual and a team win at all of the challenges on a given hole, their total score gets doubled. For example, if on hole 3, you and your team mate win all of the challenges, then your score doubles. So, with everything added up before doubling, the total is 15 x 2 = 30 points.

Hole 3Team 1Team 1Team 2Team 2
Player 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
3 point for lowest individual score
3 point for team with lowest total
3 point if a player hits the green in regulation
3 point if your team mate hits the green in regulation
3 point if either team member gets a birdie


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