Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

The Ventus Blue and Ventus Black are two shafts created by Fujikura. They are some of the more well known shafts in the game. Given that they are a part of the same product line, many people wonder what separates them. In other words, what are their differences? So, I looked into their specs and compared the two shafts.

What are the differences between the Ventus Blue and Ventus Black? The Ventus Blue offers less stiff options, a mid-angle spin option, and mid & mid-high launch options. The Ventus Black offers heavier weight options and low launch and spin options.

Depending on what you are looking for out of your shaft, these differences may make or break your game.

Ventus BlueVentus Black
FlexRegular, Stiff, X-Stiff, Most StiffStiff, X-Stiff, Most Stiff
Weight58 – 94.5 grams58 – 106 grams
Torque2.8 – 4.02.8 – 3.4
SpinLow, MidLow
LaunchMid, Mid-HighLow

Flex: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

The first aspect of comparison between these two shafts is flex. Flex is essentially the amount of band that a shaft has when being swung. The more flex that a shaft has, the more it will bend; the less flex that a shaft has, the less it will bend.

When comparing these two shafts, they do offer similar flex options, however, there is one major difference. The Ventus Blue has a regular stiffness option, whereas the Ventus Black does not. “Regular” flex is actually quite flexible. It is usually meant for casual/non-professional players or players who just have lower swing speeds. Having this additional flex option is good for players who may not be used to stiffer shafts.

The Ventus Blue has all of the flex options that the Ventus Black has and more. So, depending on what type of stiffness you are typically used to, one of these shafts may be a better pick than the other. 

Length: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

Both the Ventus Blue and Ventus Black have a length of 46 inches. This is actually a very common length for many golf shafts. While it is a bit on the longer side. Most golfers are probably familiar with this length. So, because both of these shafts are the same length, there is really not much to compare. They will both give you the same type of feel in your swing. Independent of the other specs, you will get the same results based on this length.

Weight: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

Shaft weight is also another important aspect to this comparison. The weight of the shaft has a big influence on the speed and accuracy of your swing. A lighter shaft will allow you to generate more speed, but may cause you to be more inaccurate because the lighter weight is easier to influence and misalign. A heavier shaft generates less speed, but is generally more accurate.

When taking a look at these two shafts, they both offer a similar range, but the Ventus Black goes beyond and offers much heavier shaft weight options than the Ventus Blue. More specifically, the Ventus Black offers additional options of 95 – 106 grams. The Ventus black has significantly more options when it comes to shaft weight.

Depending on what weight you are used to, or what weight you are looking to switch to, the Ventus Black has all of what you will need and more when compared to the Ventus Blue.

Spin: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

In a shaft, the spin created (also called back spin) contributes to the lift the ball gets off of the club. A shaft that has higher spin will lift the ball more than a shaft that has mid or low spin. So, depending on what you want to achieve in terms of height and distance, these are all things to consider.

These two shafts also have different types of spin. The Ventus Blue offers low and mid spin options whereas the Ventus Black only has low options. If you want to get a bit more height on the ball, then the Ventus Blue will better suit you.

Launch: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

A more niche spec in this comparison is launch. Launch is basically the angle that the ball takes right after making impact with the ball. A shaft that has low launch will keep the ball at a low angle on impact. A shaft that has high launch will launch the ball higher on impact.

The Ventus Blue has a mid to mid-high launch angle whereas the Ventus Black has a low launch angle. The Ventus Blue is likely going to get you a lot more height, but less distance due to the launch angle. As for the Ventus Black, you are going to be able to get a decent amount of distance on the ball, but less height.

Legality: Ventus Blue vs Ventus Black

Before purchasing a golf shaft, it is important to know whether or not it is legal. Believe it or not, the USGA and R&A have very strict equipment rules. This means that if any specifications on either shaft breaks one of the equipment rules, then the entire shaft is considered illegal.

To make sure that both of these golf shafts are legal, I took a look at the equipment rules. According to the rules, both the Ventus blue and Ventus Black are considered legal.

For reference, the USGA and R&A are governing bodies of the professional golfing world, anything that they deem as legal is considered legal by all other golfing organizations.


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