What Do Pro Golfers Use for Ball Markers?

Golfers use various artificial objects as ball markers to mark the spot of a ball. A golfer can use any object, provided it’s artificial. Natural objects like leaves aren’t allowed.

Pro golfers use coins, tees, or objects specifically made to serve as ball markers. The major requirement for a ball marker is that it should be artificial, which gives pro golfers limitless options when choosing markers. 

How do pro golfers choose the perfect ball marker? In this article, I’ll explore the world of ball markers in golf, discuss what pro golfers use, and explain how to choose the best ball marker for your game.

Factors Pro Golfers Consider When Choosing Ball Markers

As with most golf equipment, pro golfers have a wide range of ball markers to choose from. The rules of golf allow them to choose ball markers from thousands of objects. However, there are certain factors that pro golfers consider when choosing the perfect ball marker. These include:

  • Size: Pro golfers often choose a small and lightweight ball marker as it’s easier to carry around the course. The small size also improves placement accuracy, reducing the chances that a player is penalized for improper ball replacement. 
  • Material: Many pro golfers prefer metal ball markers as they are more durable and long-lasting.
  • Design: Most pro golfers prefer a ball marker with a simple design, but some prefer a more elaborate design. 
  • Personalization:  As with many golf equipment, personalization is also a factor when choosing a ball marker. Some pro golfers prefer a ball marker with a message or design that helps them remain motivated on the golf course. 

What Are Ball Markers in Golf?

To know how to choose the best one, it’s important to understand the purpose of ball markers in golf. They’re used to mark the position of a golf ball on the green. The primary purpose of a ball marker is to ensure that golfers can accurately replace their golf ball after it’s lifted from the ground without affecting the play of other golfers. 

Ball markers are generally small, flat, and circular. They can also be square. However, these attributes are merely recommendations and not strict requirements. 

The reason for using small ball markers is that, on top of their higher degree of precision, they reduce the chances of getting penalized for improper ball replacement

Ball markers are particularly crucial in professional golf, where golfers must move their ball out of the way for another golfer to play. Different ball markers are designed and optimized for unique playing conditions and preferences. 

Different Types of Ball Markers

Ball markers come in different types, shapes, and sizes, and golfers choose them based on personal preferences, style, and even superstitions. The most important rule is that the ball marker must be artificial. Common types of ball markers used in golf include:

Plastic Ball Markers

These are the most common types of ball markers used in golf. They’re lightweight, affordable, and come in various colors, making them easy to spot on the green. An example of a plastic ball marker is a poker chip-like ball marker or a plastic tee. 

Metal Ball Markers

Metal ball markers are made from brass, aluminum, or stainless steel. These ball makers are durable, long-lasting, and have different designs, making them popular among golfers. Coins are an example of a metal ball marker. 

Magnetic Ball Markers

Magnetic ball markers are ideal for golfers who want a ball marker that will stick to their putter or hat. They come in different designs and colors, making them easy to customize. A magnetic hat clip is an example of a magnetic ball marker. 

Personalized Ball Markers

These ball markers are often customized with a golfer’s initials or logo, making them unique and more personal to the golfer. They may even contain personalized messages on them. These could include small customized coins.


Pro golfers use small artificial objects as ball markers, although the most common objects used are small coins, coin-like objects, and tees. Since the one rule for ball markers is that they should be artificial, you’ll find a wide variety of markers among pro golfers. 


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