Who Is The PGA Logo?

If you have ever wondered who is featured in the PGA logo, then you are not alone. Millions of fans have wondered who the swinging man in the PGA Tour logo is. To answer this question, I read through dozens of USGA and PGA documents to see if I could find any information about the silhouetted man in the logo. This is what I’ve found out:

Who is the PGA logo? According to the former PGA Commissioner, the original template for the PGA logo was loosely based on Ben Hogan. However, the commissioner did clarify that the PGA logo has been through many iterations, and that it is no longer based on any single golfer.

The Story Behind The Man In The PGA Logo

In an interview, the former PGA commissioner stated that the first draft of the PGA logo utilized Ben Hogan’s swing. However, once he sent the logo to other artists for further development, the logo was changed a number of times to the point where it was no longer an image of Ben Hogan. More specifically, the former PGA Commissioner stated, “The logo is not of Hogan, but he was something of a template…”

So, now you know the story of who is featured in the PGA logo. It was originally Ben Hogan, but now it’s just a nameless and faceless golfer.


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