Who Makes Affinity Golf Clubs?

Throughout the years, there have been countless golf brands that may have come across your radar. One of the smaller brands that I have recently found out about is Affinity. After doing some research, it was hard to find any information on where the brand came from, when it started, and who owns it. 


So, I figured others were curious about this as well. After doing some more digging, I was able to find out the answers to these questions, check out the rest of the post to find out what I discovered. 


Who makes Affinity golf clubs? According to the Better Business Bureau, Affinity golf clubs are made and manufactured by King Par Golf Corporation. King Par corporation owns about 5 smaller golf club brands, including Affinity.


To be honest, it was quite hard to find any information on Affinity golf clubs and King Par golf corporation. After doing some research, I found an old blog post that mentions all of the different brands that King Par owns. Alongside Affinity, King Par owns Knight golf, Fortune golf, Strategy golf, and Intech golf.

King Par owns affinity proof

In addition to this, I took a look at Knight Golf’s old website. It seems as though Knight golf shared the same URL as King Par golf. So, because Knight golf was a part of King Par’s website, it is safe to say that Knight golf was under the ownership of King Par. Below is an example of the URL structure:


Requested URL http://www.kingpar.com:80/knight


Who Is Affinity Golf Owned By?

Affinity golf is owned by King Par Golf Corporation, which was established as a business in 1998.


Despite being established more than 20 years ago, King Par doesn’t have any information on when they launched their Affinity line of clubs. However, since Affinity’s inception, they have been owned by King Par Golf Corp.


Do They Still Make Affinity Golf Clubs?

Unfortunately, they no longer make Affinity golf clubs. The Affinity golf brand ended in 2016.

King Par, who owns Affinity, filed for bankruptcy in 2016, which means that all of the brands they owned were no longer being created. With this being said, Affinity golf clubs are still available for purchase.


Where Can You Buy Affinity Golf Clubs?

Despite the fact that they are no longer manufactured, you can purchase Affinity golf clubs. There are a variety of 3rd party retailers that still sell these clubs. Below is a list of some of the more popular retailers:


  1. Ebay
  2. Amazon
  3. Mike’s Golf Outlet


Where Are Affinity Golf Clubs Manufactured?

Typically, to figure out where a brand makes their clubs I would check out their website or contact their customer service. However, because they have gone out of business, they no longer have a website, nor do they have an active customer service department.


With this being said, it seems that Affinity golf clubs are manufactured in Michigan, USA. Their business is headquartered in Michigan, so they likely manufacture their clubs on site, where their shop is located.


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