Can You Use A Tee On The Fairway?

Using a tee gives golfers many different advantages on the course. So, you may have wondered if you could use it outside of just the tee box. More specifically, you may have thought to use a tee on the fairway, but is it legal to do?


I looked into the USGA’s rules to see if you could use a tee on a fairway or not.


Can you use a tee on the fairway? According to the USGA, Rule 9 states that a player must play the ball as it lies. Once the ball is in play, it can not be lifted, moved, or rotated intentionally by a player. So, a player can not move the ball to place a tee under it on the fairway, otherwise they will incur a penalty for moving their ball.


Here is the exact language used on the USGA’s rule website (this can also be found on


“If a ball at rest is lifted or moved by anyone or any outside influence before the stroke is made, the ball must be replaced on its original spot.


Players should take care when near any ball at rest, and a player who causes his or her own ball or an opponent’s ball to move will normally get a penalty (except on the putting green).” – Rule 9 USGA.


Here’s Why It Is Illegal To Use A Tee On The Fairway

Sometimes it is a bit hard to understand the language used on the USGA’s website, so I wanted to break it down in simpler terms so that it’s easy to understand.


  1. Once you hit your shot from the tee box, you can not intentionally move the ball from where it rests.
  2. By placing a tee under your ball once it’s on the fairway is considered ‘intentionally’ moving your ball.
  3. If you intentionally move your ball, you will be subjected to a one stroke penalty at the minimum.


Essentially, in order to use a tee on the fairway, you would have to move your ball and place the ball on top of the tee, thus you are not ‘playing the ball as it lies’. This would mean that you would have to take a penalty stroke (or whatever the penalty is at your local tournament/club.


When Can You Use A Golf Tee?

The only real time that you can use a tee on a golf course is when you are in the tee box. The only time you are allowed to intentionally place the ball on the tee and then hit it is out of the tee box.


So, there is no other instance on the golf course where you would be able to have the ball laid up on a tee.


Do Pro Golfers Always Use Tees?

Pro golfers almost always use tees out of the tee box. There are very few instances where a professional golfer will not use a tee. Laying a ball on a tee gives golfers a pretty big advantage when hitting, so it makes sense that most pros would use a tee any chance they get.


What Are The Advantages of Using A Tee?

There are plenty of reasons why so many golfers use a tee any chance they get, including professionals. Below is a short list of the advantages a golfer gets when using a tee.


  1. The ball is not obstructed by any ground elements
  2. The ball gets a bit more loft than if it was placed on the ground
  3. You can adjust the height of where you want to hit the ball from


1. No Obstructions

Simply put, if your golf ball is on a tee, then it is not subject to things like long blades of grass, sand, rocks, sticks, etc. Small objects like this do obstruct your ball and its trajectory, so when you use a tee, you totally avoid those unpredictable circumstances.


2. More Loft

One clear advantage that a golfer gets when using a tee is that they can get more loft. Now, while this is not always the most advantageous move (if you are trying to keep the ball low), for most golfers, it helps them from topping the ball.


3. Adjustable Height

Another advantage you gain when using a tee is that you are essentially able to adjust your lie. You can place the tee however low or high you want. This adjustability is absolutely perfect when you are trying to set up a critical shot.



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