Is The Square Strike Wedge Legal?

If you are looking through your bag, or are looking to purchase a new club, you may have stumbled across the Square Strike wedge. There are many claims that the manufacturer makes that really make this club seem like the best on the market. More specifically, some of the claims they make include:


  • Anti-chunk technology
  • Anti-rotational weights
  • Precisely centered COG & High MOI


With these very enticing claims, this club should be a no-brainer to any golfer. However, is it even legal to use? I dug through the USGA’s equipment rulebook and found out exactly whether or not the Square Strike is legal.


Is the square strike wedge legal? According to the USGA, the Square Strike wedge is legal to use for all casual, high-level amateur, and professional tournaments and games. The square strike wedge conforms to the pre-2010 rules of golf as well as the 2010 groove rules, thus making it a legal club.


Not only does this club conform to the USGA’s equipment rules, but it also follows the more recent rule addition, the 2010 groove rule. Because it conforms to all of the parameters put into place by the USGA, any player can use this club.


This includes the 40 degree, 45 degree, 50 degree, 55 degree, and 60 degree version of the club.

usga square strike legality

Above is a screenshot from the USGA’s informational golf club database. You can see here that the Square Strike follows both of the USGA’s main rule categories.


What Makes The Square Strike Wedge So Good?

Now that we know the club is legal, let’s break down exactly what makes this club such an interest.


1. Anti-Chunking

The club claims that it reduces your chances of chunking the ball substantially. It has ridges that aron on the bottom of the club head that will help prevent you from digging into the ground and slowing down your shot.


2. Anti-Rotational

Another perk to the club is that it has weights in the clubhead that prevent the face from opening or closing during your swing. So, you’ll consistently hit more dead straight shots, and avoid any of the shots that end up left or right of the hole.


3. Precisely Centered COG & High MOI

These two factors (center of gravity and moment of inertia) make this club extremely forgiving to use. Especially for beginners, this club makes it very easy to hit straight shots and avoid slicing or pulling your shot. This makes it especially useful for those who tend to keep their face open or closed during their stroke.


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